Page name: Torturing Pain [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:02:32
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: _Einsam_Ein_
# of watchers: 9
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Hmmmmmm, who to torture with what technique....?


Hello all! this wiki has now been dedicated to the complex technique of torturing people. Though many have said that torturing someone is rather simplistic, it ISN'T! If one does it correctly ans plans it all out, it can be rather complex, yet still extremely fun fun! This is a wiki for all of those sadists, masochists, and sadomasochists out there. Welcome to all of you who have the need to inflict pain!  

Evil dictator and creator of this land: [Eyonic]

Evil dictator's owner: [_Einsam_Ein_]

Restarting this wiki! Will be under construction for a bit!


<img:> the torture members<img:>

<img:> torture banners<img:>


<img:> torture through pain<img:>

<img:> torture through pleasure<img:>

<img:> torture through anger<img:>

<img:> torture through boredom<img:>


Hey, I'm probably am going to die from my curiousity, so I might as well have fun with it. I've created an rp for all of the torture-lovers here, which could turn out interesting. Please make a character for the rp (any species, but no god-modeling please)and then join the fun!

Character page: torture characters
Rp page: Torture Castle rp


EMO PEOPLES... be warned. We have no respect for you and we will make you wish you had never come to this wiki if you think you can come here and bother us with your self loathing and tears, think again. Yes; life sucks and yes life is hard, but there are always people out there that have a worse life than you so shut-up and get a life. "Death is great--> you don't have to deal with the day to day BULLSHIT of life, but buck up and deal with it! die on your feet with pride!" YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!



Username (or number or email):


2007-11-13 [Eyonic]: of course! we always love new members!

2007-11-13 [PnkShpGnWld]: Yay!!!!

2007-11-13 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-13 [PnkShpGnWld]: I like pain.. Oops.. did i say that too loud?

2007-11-13 [Eyonic]: are you a sadist? or the other one?

2007-11-13 [PnkShpGnWld]: Lol. I ama masochist. But sadomasochist would work as well.. I prefer to be recieving pain then to be the one giving pain.

2007-11-13 [Eyonic]: hmmm, I'm a sadist. I love giving pain, but hate receiving it

2007-11-13 [Eyonic]: hey, what should I draw for the banner for here???

2007-11-13 [Six_dragons]: Put "It's not emo! It's torture! Tis better than you damned emos!!!" Has a nice anti-emo ring to it! Oye for the masochism! XD

2007-11-14 [PnkShpGnWld]: Hehe, a fello masochist i see.. And yes, i agree with that banner.

2007-11-14 [Eyonic]: okiday!

2007-11-14 [Eyonic]: yay! banner!

2007-11-14 [†Sweets†]: cool banner

2007-11-14 [Eyonic]: thank you!

2007-11-15 [PnkShpGnWld]: Sweet banner.. I love it

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol, I had fun with it *Whistles an innocent tune and hides the bloody knife behind my back*

2007-11-15 [†Sweets†]: lalalalala?

2007-11-15 [Eloura]: I guess if i where to lable my self... i would be a mix

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-15 [Hiro Kitaki]: hmmm...i join? i can be rather sadistic when i want to be.

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: of course you can hiro. did you think I would say no?

2007-11-15 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol.

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: Hmmmmm, we need to add some more torture ideas.....

2007-11-15 [†Sweets†]: oh, yeah, joining... wow I'm a smart one, huh?

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol. hiro, you are now a member!

2007-11-15 [†Sweets†]: I joined ^^

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: yay!!!!! now we have SIX members!!!!!

2007-11-15 [†Sweets†]: yayness! ^^

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol!

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: weeeee, I added one in torture through boredom

2007-11-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: wow maybe i should come back to this one more often... thank god for eyo tho... :)

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: lol. I haven't done hardly anything <img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: will someone change the warning. I think it sounds aweful!

2007-11-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: there ya go... im not done with it yet though...

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: yay! torture rp

I need to make a character page now....

2007-11-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: k... now it be done... i think

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: yay! those two are complete now!

2007-11-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha yep

2007-11-15 [Eyonic]: ooo, you should post in the rp. yay! Im pup there!

2007-11-15 [Six_dragons]: Yes! Best banner I've seen yet! XDDD

2007-11-16 [†Sweets†]: I am not joining an rp!!!! ><

2007-11-16 [Eyonic]: okay dreamer. you don't have to. I just thought it would be fun fun <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-11-16 [†Sweets†]: ok ^^

2007-11-16 [Eyonic]: hmmm....

2007-11-17 [†Sweets†]: what?

2007-11-17 [Eyonic]: what to do......I cant seem to come up with any techniques at the moment.....anyone have any ideas to put up?

2007-11-19 [Eloura]: Techniques like what?

2007-11-19 [Eyonic]: torture techniques like Japanese water torture

2007-11-19 [Six_dragons]: world war II they would string men by their huevos from the ceiling until they ripped off trying to get information...

2007-11-19 [Eyonic]: oooo, add that one!!!! ow, that would hurt!!! poor guys

2007-11-19 [Six_dragons]: Then there's pealing off skin, cutting out toungs, and squeezing organs ^_^

2007-11-19 [†Sweets†]: I know how to do an sacrifice to the druid gods...

2007-11-19 [Eyonic]: nifty! add some if you want! those are perfect!

2007-11-20 [Six_dragons]: There's the William Wallace technique, chopping a man in 5 parts after disemboweling him while he's still alive, or having him ripped in half by two horses.

2007-11-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: if you have an idea for torture and are a member please do not post you torture ideas here.

if you are not a member ask [Eyonic] or myself for permission to become one,

2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: lol, ya don't have to be so rough mouse. They're just having a conversation.

2007-11-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: im not being rough! grrr.

2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: lol, i know.

2007-11-20 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-11-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hi dreamer

2007-11-20 [†Sweets†]: ello ^.^

2007-11-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: how u? sides sleepy i mean...

2007-11-20 [†Sweets†]: ...Don't confuse me like that...

2007-11-20 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-11-20 [†Sweets†]: >:Þ

2007-11-20 [Six_dragons]: Bye ^_^

2007-11-22 [chyu]: hi

2007-11-22 [†Sweets†]: Ello!

2007-11-22 [Eyonic]: hello there

2007-12-11 [Rook.]: 'ello mates! i'll join

2007-12-11 [Eyonic]: 'ello Poe! do you have any torture techniques to add to our list?

2007-12-11 [Rook.]: *ponders* i think i do, but they ARE quite gory....

2007-12-11 [Eyonic]: lol, you can get as graphic and gory as you want! me an mouse don't mind one bit!

2007-12-12 [Rook.]: ^^ *rubs hands together gleefully* i'll take you up on that, Eyo.

2007-12-12 [Eyonic]: go right on ahead!

2007-12-13 [Rook.]: ^^

2007-12-20 [PnkShpGnWld]: Well so nice to see it coming together.. :D 'Ow is everyone this evenin?

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: very fine, thank you!

2007-12-21 [PnkShpGnWld]: Your welcome! Sorry, myenglish accent isn't... English.. Its German but not.. ANnoying german... hahah

2007-12-23 [Six_dragons]: German your first language? ^_^

2007-12-31 [PnkShpGnWld]: Yes, German is my first language. English speaking german since i was 4. Dont use it much though. Im rusty, as it were.

2007-12-31 [†Sweets†]: RAWR!

2008-01-01 [Six_dragons]: I know the feeling

2008-01-01 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-02 [†Sweets†]: uuummm ... ich libe ditch?
(I spelled it wrong, huh?)

2008-01-02 [PnkShpGnWld]: Am i what?
Im confused...Did you mean dicht?
But dicht means like.. heavy.
I could almost assume youre calling me dense.

2008-01-02 [†Sweets†]: uummm i meant you...

2008-01-03 [Six_dragons]: Ich liebe Dich (I love you)<- I think that's what mess meant. ^_^

2008-01-03 [PnkShpGnWld]: Ich Liebe Dich. Yes, That is i love you. So wait, you love me? Aw, how sweet. ich liebe dich soviel. (so much)

2008-01-03 [Six_dragons]: Being multilingual is fun! ^-^

2008-01-03 [PnkShpGnWld]: Hehe. Yes, i have, French, German and English under my belt. How about you?

2008-01-03 [†Sweets†]: Pnk, me and you have a lot of the same wikis...

2008-01-03 [PnkShpGnWld]: Yes, we do. But that is common when we both are interested in the same Topics.

2008-01-03 [†Sweets†]: So it would seem...

2008-01-03 [PnkShpGnWld]: Now youre taking my words? Lol nice, ill have to watch out for you. Heh

2008-01-03 [†Sweets†]: how are those your words???

2008-01-03 [PnkShpGnWld]: Heh, i said seem to in the other one..

2008-01-04 [Six_dragons]: I speak English, Navajo, German, Spanish, and bits and pieces of several other half learned languages. ^_^

2008-01-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: i have some japanese...

2008-01-04 [Six_dragons]: Did you actually learn it? Or is it the ten word fan girl Japanese vocabulary?

2008-01-05 [Eyonic]: wow.........I only know english and some spanish.....................I feel terribly stupid now

2008-01-05 [PnkShpGnWld]: I speak German, English, French, a little Italian and i do sign language too but i cant sign on here...
Oh boy, Talk about mean..

My hair smells like playdough!!

And i know a few langagues like bits and pieces, like my Italian, thats a bit rusty.. :D

2008-01-05 [Six_dragons]: I find that languages with similar verb connotations and sentence structures can be mixed together to successfully confuse the hell out of people ^^

2008-01-05 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-01-06 [PnkShpGnWld]: Yes, this is true. Like french and italian :D

2008-01-06 [Six_dragons]: Try talking German in the slightly different spanish sentence structure, it sounds odd lol

2008-01-06 [†Sweets†]: gr

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: OH wow.. I wouldnt be able to comprehend that...

2008-01-07 [†Sweets†]: me either

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: wow, how did we ever get on this topic in the first place

2008-01-07 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i don't care how we got onto this topic but its a fun one... how about trying gibberrish, southern German, and Western German. (yes they are different, they have different accents and ways of saying the very same words, it is very easy to confuse people by mixing the two...)

2008-01-07 [†Sweets†]: i just came into it ^^

2008-01-07 [†Sweets†]: roll with it *bobs head*

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: i am currently learning it [Six_dragons]

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: God, ok. You and your damned language mixing. Enough of that.

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: *agres*

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: Gracious.. Its alot to take in..

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: were we all talking about?

2008-01-07 [†Sweets†]: ~agrees.

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...?

2008-01-07 [†Sweets†]: sorry...

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: Well me and you were talking about how were int he same wikis. Me and hiro were talking about how the language speak is getting annoying.

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: hmmmm, I seem to be in a lot of the same wikis as a bunch of you......

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: its because we all have to same intrests.

2008-01-07 [Eyonic]: yeah, no kidding

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...gah.

2008-01-07 [PnkShpGnWld]: yeah lol.. We are liek one big family.

2008-01-07 [Hiro Kitaki]: god...scary thought.

2008-01-09 [PnkShpGnWld]: How is that scary?

2008-01-09 [Six_dragons]: For one reason, and one reason alone is it scary. *points to self* Do you really want me in your family? XD

2008-01-09 [Eyonic]: oooooo, now THAT would be scary.

2008-01-09 [†Sweets†]: scary

2008-01-10 [PnkShpGnWld]: I want you in my family :) i do I Do I DO!!!!

2008-01-10 [Eloura]: *blinks* That just made me think of a show that used to be on *shivers* Hi long time no talk everyone

2008-01-10 [Eyonic]: hello eloura

2008-01-12 [Six_dragons]: HIIIIIII!!!!! ^_^ Sorry I've been gone, integranets been down ^_^

2008-01-12 [Eloura]: Hey empty

2008-01-12 [Eyonic]: how are you guys??? haven't seen any of you in a while...

2008-01-12 [Eloura]: Ehhhh i'm alive.. You?

2008-01-13 [Eyonic]: I'm still twitching, so I guess I'm okay

2008-01-13 [†Sweets†]: what show?

2008-01-13 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha i wanna pickle i wanna pickle i wanna pickle hey hey hey... sorry i just watched that movie. --->empty---> i hate my dad and i miss joker! *tear*

2008-01-13 [†Sweets†]: *I gotta pickle, I gotta pickle, I gotta pickle, hey, hey, HEY!*


*I got two pickles, I got two pickles, I got two pickles, hey, hey, HEY!*

2008-01-13 [Eyonic]: I'm so confused now..............anywho, I hate your dad and I miss Joker too mouse

2008-01-13 [Six_dragons]: I concur! *has no idea*

2008-01-13 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-01-14 [Eloura]: *shivers* I remember that movie!!!

2008-01-14 [PnkShpGnWld]: OMG!!! Sandlot? Right? It was the one with the two kida and wow!!! I was just talking about that movie..

2008-01-14 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-01-14 [Eloura]: *laughs* yes Sandlot!!! WOW!!!

2008-01-14 [Six_dragons]: Yes, cuz I got the converse and now I can run like the wind!!!! *Runs in circles*

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: *applaudes you imensly*

2008-01-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *jumps up and down* rawr!

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: *giggles* Wow!!!

2008-01-15 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hi Eloura!!!

2008-01-15 [Eloura]: HI!!!

2008-01-16 [_Einsam_Ein_]: how are you?

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: hurting. As usual.

2008-01-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: why is my eloura hurting?

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: Your eloura is hurting cause she has a bad headake, and it's not fun. *pouts* the eloura is cranky cause of it. *lust relaises she is talking in third person again* Oh Joy >.<

2008-01-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hehe mouse thinks about herself in third person all the time, just ask empty, she does it too :)

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: I do it alot, but i never type it like that THAT much. I thought i broke my self of doing it >.< I speack in third person alot.

2008-01-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: oh so do i >.< i annoy myself with it sometimes :)

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: jess does it a lot to it's soooooooooo annoying. :p BOO!

2008-01-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: Any ways! why not take some advil or somethin for your headache?

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: pup agrees with mouse. take advil or something.

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: jess can't jess's school won't give jess any. Jess needs to hide cause jess about went down the stair backwards. Jess is shaking.

2008-01-17 [Eyonic]: oh wow....

2008-01-17 [Eloura]: *nods* Yea... I'm shaken not stired

2008-01-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: Erin doesnt mind it!1
OMg i took some advil just the other day, yesterday i do believe. I had a bad headache.. I verrrrry bad headache

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: O.o Me too..

2008-01-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: Well i know you did.. :) Im gonna take a quick shower.. Be back in like ten

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: *nods* See you then, *drinks hot tea*

2008-01-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: IM BACK!!! *runs around naked*

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: Welcome back* Throws cloths at you*

2008-01-18 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-01-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: Nah! Ich bin ein nudist!!

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: O.O WHAT???!?!?!?!?

2008-01-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: I am a nudist! La nudista!! hehe not really.. I just forgot to take my towel into the bathroom. *goes to my room and gets clothes on*

2008-01-18 [Eloura]: *laughs* Silly!

2008-01-19 [Six_dragons]: Sie sind ein dummer dummer Mädchenverlust!

2008-01-19 [Eloura]: O.o I'm lost >.>

2008-01-21 [PnkShpGnWld]: Now that was mean.. but i can agree a little. Sie verstehen nicht Deutsches

2008-01-21 [Eloura]: *hides*

2008-01-21 [_Einsam_Ein_]: grr stop it both of you, being mean is MY JOB

2008-01-21 [Eloura]: I don't know if there being mean or what... I don't understand them.

2008-01-22 [Six_dragons]: Daß sie nicht, aber andererseits, Chaos und Durcheinander, sind mein Spezialgebiet

2008-01-22 [PnkShpGnWld]: Chaos und Störung? Ich bin mit Ihnen auf dem.

2008-01-22 [Eloura]: *leaves losted*

2008-01-22 [PnkShpGnWld]: *runs after eloura and hugs her tight* dont be lost!!

2008-01-22 [Six_dragons]: Ja, jetzt genügend deutsches Durcheinander, back to good old English so I stop scaring all the good people away O.O

2008-01-23 [PnkShpGnWld]: Hehe... A german thing indeed. But yes, we shall speak english now.. Even though, German is wonderful.. You should try the french. Im not so good at that though. I need to find a translator.. ><

2008-01-23 [Six_dragons]: Well, I've been enough of a bother, so I'm off. Have fun! ^^

If you need an online translator, try looking up Babel fish, It's how I keep up with the people who speak the languages I don't know ^^

2008-01-23 [Eyonic]: lol, you people are talking about languages again??? didn't we just get off this subject not too long age?

2008-01-24 [Eloura]: (ish hugged* Epp! Hi. Ermm don't leave just next time let e know the launguage so i can translate ^^' I kow more spanish than any of it...

2008-01-24 [PnkShpGnWld]: Oh.. Wow..Ill look it up. I speak german though.. But i can tool it up. Its german.

2008-01-24 [Eloura]: *nods*

2008-01-25 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hola!

2008-01-25 [Eyonic]: hi mouse

2008-01-25 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hey pup

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